(logo)  Program settings: Programs

Program type

Use the chooser to select the external program type to configure.


This is the editor command invoked when you select the Project / Edit source menu item, and when you click the E> gadget in text area form fields.

Use the Command and Arguments fields to specify your editor command. Argument parameters are:
%f file name to edit.
%n screen name that AWeb is running on, in case your editor supports opening on a public screen.

Make sure the command will not return until you leave the editor. For some editors, this will need a STICKY or KEEPIO argument.

HTML source viewer

Currently, AWeb relies on an external viewer for the Project / View source menu function.

Use the Command and Arguments fields to specify your source viewer command. Argument parameters are:
%f file name to view.
%n screen name that AWeb is running on, in case your viewer supports opening on a public screen.

Note that the default setting, MultiView, will not produce the expected results if you happen to have a HTML datatype installed on your system. In that case, the datatype will show the source as HTML again. If this happens, you should configure another viewer.

Image viewer

This is the image viewer used to display standalone images.

Use the Command and Arguments fields to specify your source viewer command. Argument parameters are:
%f file name to view.
%n screen name that AWeb is running on, in case your viewer supports opening on a public screen.
%m MIME type of the image. You can use this in a script that starts a different viewer for different types of image.


This is the DOS filename of the console to be opened when external programs are started.

Argument parameters are:
%t window title
%n screen name that AWeb is running on.

If you define the console as NIL:, no window will be opened. This may seem convenient, but you should realize that error messages are lost too.

<-Options   ^Settings requesters   ->Screen